Sunday, May 15, 2005

All tied up? - ties and how to wear them.

I am a firm believer in the old adage, if you are going to do something - do it well. Of course, sometimes that is easier said than done and often "at least try" allows for a bit more inbuilt flexibility.

However, there is one area that can be so important, yet so often overlooked. Wearing a tie.

Nothing too difficult about that you may think. Wrap one end around the other a couple of times, a pull here and a tug there - and wallah. Sorry to disappoint you, but a businessman should look like a businessman, not someone whose mum is shouting, "You'll be late for school."

Next time you see a group of men together, have a look at the way they wear their ties. Half way up their shirt, half way down their trouser fly, (the end should just touch the waistband) knot too big, knot too small. Then there are those who look like they have either escaped from someone trying to strangle them, or escaped from a femme fatale after their hidden assets.

There are a number of excellent websites where you can learn all about wearing a tie. What tie to wear with your suit and shirt, which knot to use and how to tie them. The Tie Guide has excellent diagrams and photographs, while Tie-a-tie goes into a little more depth regarding ties to suit your neck.One important point to remember. Never ever wear a tie your mum bought you!