Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The Dance Macabre

As young American soldiers and innocent Iraqi civilians danced their last waltz, in a moment of spontaneity akin to the well known drunk and former world leader, Boris Yeltsin, George Bush put his hands on his hips and did a little jig.

Perhaps he was listening to "The Devil Went Down To Georgia" where he was greeted with, "a huge outpouring of affection."Almost breaking into a Carole King impersonation, George told his new fans, "You've got a solid friend in America." although he didn't actually say who it was.

Perhaps the residents of Tblisi were cheering out of gratitude, as the visit of George Bush sparked a frenzy of activity. Roads were repaved and buildings repainted in an expensive effort to show that everything in Georgia is just fine and Yankee Doodle Dandy.

But it isn't nice to see the Bush family so happy. Good ole Laura telling her hubby, "George, if you really want to end tyranny in the world, you're going to have to stay up later," and now George himself apparently auditioning for Riverdance, (perhaps the river of Babylon - or the what's left of Babylon).

That's what I like to see - a happy family.

There used to be a few thousand more happy families in America too. But it's hard to laugh, dance or joke, when sons and daughters come home in flag draped coffins.