Interfax reports that Belarusian parliamentarian, Sergei Kostyan, has proposed a law allowing forced sterilization of citizens.
Kostyan who is well known for his anti Semitic remarks and gives the perception of having graduated from the Edgar Ray Killen School of Political Correctness, believes this will avoid the state having to support the handicapped children of promiscuous parents.
"Animals lead orderly lives, and so do 99 percent of people. One percent live non-orderly and breed children, mostly unhealthy, mostly morons. Thus, every new generation breeds more morons than the previous one.”
The Russian press has reported that the law, "will most likely be approved."
I guess if Henry Kissinger can get the Nobel Peace Prize, then Kostyan is a dead cert for Humanitarian of The Year, along with Jack Straw's good friend, Robert Mugabe.