Monday, June 06, 2005

Comment: Douglas Wood - don't blame Australia's friendship with the U.S. blame Wood

The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Australian mufti Sheikh Taj Aldin Alhilali, claims Australia's close relationship with the United States was delaying the release of hostage Douglas Wood.

An interesting perspective considering this Australian national chose to spend most of his time living in the United States. For 25 years he worked for American construction company, Bechtel Corporation, a company with interesting and influential connections.

Bechtel has been accused of cronyism because of it's close ties to both Bush Sr and Bush Jr. It has also come under scrutiny for the way it was awarded contracts for the rebuilding of Iraq, which wouldn't have needed rebuilding if it weren't for George W. Bush.

Wood then started his own construction company, a company that built a military camp in Fallujah. We all know what the U.S. military did to the civilians of Fallujah. The same as they did to villages in Vietnam.

Australia can be blamed for many things, but not for the kidnapping of this corporate mercenary. We are not responsible for his choices or the way he plays his cards. He played a game of bluff and lost. That's the way it goes.

I sincerely hope he can walk away from the table he chose to play on, but let us stop using populist propaganda and put the blame squarely where it belongs.