Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Business Tips: Training - Encouraging questions

Course participants should always be encouraged to ask questions. It is a vital part of any training course or workshop. Not only does it help the participants, it provides important feedback for the facilitator.

Avoid giving the impression that questions are not welcome. "It's a good question but we haven't got time to go into this fully," is discouraging.

Statements such as, “I realize this is simple but does anyone have any questions," is also unlikely to encourage anyone to ask questions. When I hear a trainer make statements like that, I deliberately ask a question just to get up their nose. Probably not very mature but the facilitator should know better!

If no one asks a question, do not say "Good" and rub your hands either. In fact, you can use such a situation to reinforce the fact that questions are indeed welcome.

Listed below are a few more things you should avoid.

Waiting until the end of a session to ask, "Any questions." especially if everyone is already busy putting their handouts in their bags.

Prefacing an answer with negative comments that make the participant feel a right idiot. “As I have stated before…” is very 1950s education system and not 2005 corporate training.

Don't look at your watch or the clock.

Do not ask for questions then move along before giving time for participants to think or pluck up the courage to ask them!

Adults are reluctant to admit they do not understand something. Avoid asking, "Is everyone clear on that?" More than likely the participants will just look at each other hoping someone will ask the question they really want to ask themselves.

Now, are there any questions? :)