Saturday, July 16, 2005

Comment: Three countries favour Bin Laden to "do the right thing"

The Pew Global Attitudes Project show that 80% of those surveyed in Jordan, have confidence in Osama Bin Laden to, "do the right thing." Pakistan and Indonesia were next on the list with 60%.

Bin Laden does not go down quite so favourably in Poland, Canada, Germany, Spain, France, Britain and the Netherlands where more than 80% of respondents lack confidence in Bin Laden.

The project interviewed 14,574 adults in 15 countries, Apr. 20 to Jun. 16, 2005.

Back in 2003, Arafat ranked highly in a survey called, "Confidence in World Figures To Do The Right Thing."

Perhaps Bin Laden can follow Arafats recent example, and do the right thing as well.