Saturday, July 23, 2005

Human Resources: Indian AIDS organisation calls for awareness in the workplace

The National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) has called for a workplace policy to help fight AIDS.

Dr. S. Y. Quraishi, Director-General, NACO said multinational companies like Pepsi and Coca-Cola should display the HIV/AIDS slogans on the bottles.

In line with the growing trend to shift personal and government responsibility on to the corporate world, he compared the amount Coca-Cola and Pepsi spent on advertising to the amount available to NACO for awareness campaigns.

He also suggested that the large distribution networks of such companies could also help distribution of condoms in rural areas.

He did not suggest governmental and NGO cocktail circuit glitterati, church leaders and schools, should also take on the responsibility of distributing condoms.

Dr. S. Y. Quraishi, who appears to spend a lot a time complaining about the efforts of others, was formerly Director General of Indian pubcaster Doordarshan, before being moved to the Steel Ministry as Additional Secretary.

He was appointed to NACO in 2004 after the 2003–2004 Comptroller and Auditor General's (CAG) report questioned NACOs policies and accused it of squandering funds.