Sunday, July 24, 2005

Internet Crime: How much is that doggie on the Internet

Elizabeth Rivera Davis, has pleaded not guilty to multiple charges of grand theft - allegedly selling non existent doggies.

Customers were enticed by pictures of cute little tail waggers with "buy me" eyes." Just send $800 to a Western Union office in Chula Vista and the puppy was yours. At least it would have been if Ms. Davis had any puppy's to sell.

More than a dozen mugs..I mean customers in the U.S. and Canada sent money, but no dog was ever delivered.

Customers who emailed her found they were barking up the wrong tree, as Davis would change email and mailing addresses. Customers were sent to empty lots and the local library.

It is also suspected that she used, a legitimate website, to attract clients.

The San Diego Union Tribune reports that anyone who thinks they were victims of the scam may call Chula Vista police detective Tom Halfaker at (619) 409-5487. Victims can also get information from the District Attorney's victim restitution office at (619) 691-4636 .