Saturday, July 02, 2005

Romanian businessman wants to be Jesus

Eccentric and controversial Romanian businessman, Gigi Becali, the owner of FC Steaua from Bucharest, has asked a local artist to paint, "The Last Supper," with Becali portrayed as Jesus Christ surrounded by his 11 disciples.

A source close to the businessman is quoted as saying "...this time he drew a comparison between himself and Jesus Christ, and I do hope that his kinky gesture will not be construed as a blasphemy." Blasphemy I can understand, but kinky?

Becali made his fortune was an exchange of land with the Romanian Army, which the Romanian press attacked as illegal. The Army did not need the land it received, and the land it gave was worth much more.

In addition to being President of FC Steaua, he is the leader of the New Generation Party and was a candidate in the Romanian Presidential election of 2004