Saturday, July 30, 2005

Work is fun - Workplace "Oops!"

Here are a few amusing things I have experienced in workplaces around the world.

When I was the manager of a travel agency in Ireland, a travel consultant came into my office and told me that Mr Jones, (an important client - but not his real name) wanted to see me. However, I didn't want to see Mr Jones!

I told her, "just tell him I am at lunch." So off she goes and in a loud voice informs him, "He says he's at lunch."


Another incident in a travel agency - this time when I worked for Thomas Cook in Wales in the 70s.

A client called Mrs Dutch phoned the office and asked to speak to a particular consultant. In the UK, "Dear old Dutch" is a term of affection for wife. The chap who answered the call jokingly called out, "Bob, your dear old Dutch is on the phone."

Bob however, was not the sort to recognise a joke due to the fact that he was a miserable old bugger. He picked up the phone and thinking it was his wife said, 'What do you want. I told you never to phone me here. What is it you want this time?"


Working in an office in Sydney my colleague answered a call - obviously from someone he didn't want to talk to. He tried to get out of it by pretending he was someone else and kept making remarks such as, "No, I am not sure when he will be back." and "I think he left about half an hour ago."

The caller it seems was not convinced as the last thing I heard my hapless colleague say was, "I told you I'm not here."

Anyone have similar experiences?