I have finished posting for this morning but more will follow during my afternoon and early evening.
There are a couple of local events which may be of international interest, the first involving the former darling of the Washington cocktail circuit - Andrew Peacock. The former federal Liberal Party leader and ambassador to the United States, was charged with drink driving after a crash in Sydney.
Shock, Horror! A relative of Osama bin Laden has been living in Australia for 10 years after being granted refugee status. The talk back radio and gutter press will have a field day with that piece on non-information. The uneducated and uninformed will just lap it up. I can hear their yells of "Disgusting innit, ought to be a law against it," echoing through the air as I write.
I wonder if he's one of George Bush Snrs old mates or business associates.
Wherever you may be - be safe!
Photo: Pyrmont farmers market dominated by Star City Casino