I have finished the morning "edition," more will follow through the afternoon and early evening, (Sydney time).
Locally, our armed forces are engaging in an aggressive marketing campaign to entice teenagers to join the Australian army and continue the great Australian tradition of getting killed in America's wars and bastardised in training camps.
Marketing techniques include using text messages and internet chatrooms and allowing women on the front line.
What I find a little disturbing is a statement by a spokesperson for the Minister Assisting the Defence Minister, De-Anne Kelly, who said the Defence Department had obtained phone numbers "from agencies."
Still, it is all in a good cause - to help our country preserve our great tradition of freedom, civil rights and freedom of speech. Available to approved applicants only, terms and conditions apply. For further details please contact the Australian Foreign and Domestic Policy Department at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington D.C.
Wherever you may be - be safe!