Last year I bought Mel an engagement ring. The design symbolises the joining of two people. Two bands of gold joining to embrace a diamond. It symbolises not only the joining of two people - but two countries, two different cultures. Mel is American, I am Australian.
Tonight as I watch the footage of the devastation Mother Nature has bought the land of the woman I love, I think of that ring.
I hear the voices of Australians in the street, on the radio and television. It may be fair to say that although New Orleans is well known to us, not too many people here would have heard of Biloxi until recently. Now the name is on the lips of many.
Two countries, two cultures, two bands of gold, joined in sadness - and in many cases - in prayer. I know that many of us here will be thinking of those affected by this awful tragedy.
To those of you who have suffered the cruel power of Katrina - may your God be with you.