Thursday, August 25, 2005

Goodnight from Sydney!

That's my lot for tonight! Tomorrow I have a series of meetings in the morning so posting will be a bit topsy-turvy.

Australia sure picks some funny people to hail as heroes. Sheep stealers who commit suicide (Waltzing Matilda,) the outlaw Ned Kelly, and World War One stretcher-bearer John Simpson and his faithful donkey.

Simpson used a donkey called Duffy to help him carry injured soldiers to safety at Gallipoli - they are Australian icons.

In fact, Brendan Nelson, the federal Minister for Education said in a speech aimed at promoting the teaching of Australian values in schools, that "he represents everything at the heart of what it means to be Australian."

A rather interesting choice of role model. As the Sydney Morning Herald points out, not only was he an English born Scot - but also a deserter. As he deserted from the Merchant Navy while in Australia, he was also an illegal immigrant.

Spike in the above publication adds, "He was also a socialist and trade-union activist, who did not like authority and refused to work for a boss."

Wherever you may be - be safe!