Monday, August 29, 2005

Goodnight from Sydney!

It has been an odd two days as far as blogging is concerned, I had a nice little schedule worked out, knowing what I could do and when. Then wham!

Normally I do not mind the unexpected - especially if they relate to core issues. They provide a challenge, get the adrenalin going and give the old grey matter a good workout. But this is different. We are talking about interfering with my blogging!

Core issues are all very well and good - they pay the bills and enable me to live the sort of lifestyle I thought only existed in books. "Love On The Dole" for example.

However, not to put too fine a point on it, they can also be boring. I ask you, how can they compare to the thrill of the chase? The excitement as I wonder if I can become the only person on Blog Explosion to reach 300 defeats before reaching 20 victories! That's a ratio of...I must get a battery for my calculator - then find a ten year old to operate it for me.

Then there is the map. A beautiful little map with lights telling you where people are reading your blog. I have had all sorts of people look at my blog too - The Bush administration's perception managers - The John Rendon Group, paid a visit, so did Australia's Dept of Foreign Affairs. The ratbags of Christian Voice also popped in for a look around - Hi guys, I am talking about you again if you want to add me to your hit list.

Tomorrow all should be back to normal - I hope!

The photo tonight is a Spoon Bill, outside Sydney's Exhibition Centre.

Wherever you may be - be safe!