Wednesday, August 10, 2005

International Development: Children of Fiji express themselves in dance

Anyone who knows me or followed me on forums over the last few years, know that at times I can be a cynical old bugger.

Part of my work involves news/information monitoring, research and analysis, and as such, I sadly admit to the fact that I have become hardened to many things.

However, this little article in appealed to me because of it's beautiful simplicity.

Primary School students in Fiji are expressing their thoughts on poverty in dance.

They want to show that world's leaders cannot progress actively in solving other matters if they do not address the rising poverty levels.One of the schools taking part in the 2005 Tadra Kahani Stage Show next week, is Nabitu primary school.

A teacher said, "the students are excited and cannot wait to travel down to the city for their first ever full scale performance to the nation.""The whole community in Nabitu has got behind their production and will be coming down next week for the show."

15 schools from around the country will be staging performances with themes from the United Nations 8 Millennium Development Goals at the FMF Dome next Wednesday and Thursday.

Perhaps I am biased because I love Fiji and I love the Fijian people, but although it may not be Bob Geldof, to me it says a whole lot more.

I wish Nabitu Primary School and all those involved in this event - children, teachers, parents/guardians, communities and villages, all the best for a successful event. I am sure that for those taking part it will be an experience they will always remember.

And maybe - just maybe - some of those children will themselves will become involved in politics. Maybe they will remember the day they stood on stage performing a dance of hope.