Saturday, August 27, 2005

Outsourcing: Scottish finance company to outsource 125 jobs to India

Edinburgh based finance company Scottish Widows, is to outsource 125 jobs to India.

Although the company has stated the reduction will be achieved through natural turnover rather than compulsory redundancies, as is their want, the trade unions dismiss facts as easily as a Republican blogger by using the usual uninformed, small picture cliches to condemn a common sense business decision.

Using words such as "dismayed" and "short-sighted" the unions fear "this is another example of the 'follow my leader' approach that many financial organisations have taken."

Oh my. How dare a company optimise costs and efficiency by moving away from an overpriced labour market. Disgusting innit like, shouldn't be allowed - ought to be a bleeding law against it. Up the workers!

Outsourcing is here to stay. Deal with it.