If you have been following this series (I know at least one person has!) my apology for the lack of articles last week. However, we are now getting to the nitty gritty.
The introduction to the training session is where trainers build rapport and establish a friendly environment. Trainers often have a short statement about themselves and the experience they have with the training topic.
The introduction is vital because it is the opportunity to GRAB and FOCUS participant's attention by:
* describing the topic and its main points in an interesting way.
* finding out what they already know.
* outlining what they will be learning.
* outlining what they will be required to do.
* showing how the information and skills are relevant to their job.
When you are planning your training session you might want to use the following example to help you with your introduction - INTROA
Interest - How will you create interest?
Need - Why do they need to know?
Topic - What will the session be about?
Range - What will you be covering?
Outcome - What will they achieve?
Assessment - How will they be assessed?
Tomorrow: Planning the body of your training session
Related links in this series
What makes an effective trainer?
The Role Of The Trainer
The Training Environment
Identifying Training Needs
Training Need Analysis
Training Outcomes
Writing Training Outcomes
Mike Hitchen
Mike Hitchen Consulting