Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Training - Training small groups - Planning the conclusion to your training session

Just as the introduction leads participants into the Body of your session, the conclusion should bring the whole thing to a satisfactory close for both the trainer and the participants.

You can use the following to jog your memory. At the end of the session we sign OFF.

O outcome
F Feedback
F Future

Remember it is OFF and not F-OFF!

Clearly review the session outcomes and determine whether they have been achieved. You can find out by observing participant's behaviour or asking them.

This is a two-way process that usually starts by you giving feedback to the participants individually and as a group.

Individual feedback can be reassuring and supportive, for example, "I think the question you asked about using the printer was helpful for everyone, Mel."

Group feedback can be encouraging and motivating, for example, "You all raised a lot of really important points in the group discussion and it has shown that you understand the material really well."

You also need to ask for feedback from participants, for example, "Was the information relevant to your needs?"

If you model an open attitude to receiving genuine feedback, participants will soon offer it because they know you value it and use it to plan for future sessions.

Suggest how today's learning links into their next sessions and if possible, every now and again, how it links into future career options.

By always putting future options and possibilities in front of the participants, you are helping them to organise their thinking, as well as encouraging them to anticipate success as a regular feature of their learning now and into the future.

Tomorrow: Session Plans

Mike Hitchen
Mike Hitchen Consulting