Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Charities: Catholic Charities USA establish fund to aid victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita

Catholic Charities USA has established a fund to aid victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. About 96 percent of contributions made to Catholic Charities' 2005 Hurricane Relief Fund will be used for emergency response and recovery efforts, according to an announcement on the agency's Web site.

Catholic Charities USA has provided $2.2 million in initial funding to help with Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. The money has gone to 30 local Catholic Charities agencies, including those in Gulf Coast dioceses and those in other U.S. dioceses that are assisting evacuees. Catholic Charities USA is the nationwide network for diocesan social service agencies.

Hopefully the Catholic church will be as successful in raising money for homeless disaster victims as they were in rasing money for the luxury $20 million dollar Domus Sanctae Marthae hotel, built on the orders of John Paul II.