Saturday, September 10, 2005

Communications: An email address for life

Liberal MP Malcolm Turnbull, who apart from being a smarmy little git, is a strong contender to one day be Prime Minister of Australia, (subject to Whitehouse approval of course) intends that every Australian be allocated an email address that would last them a lifetime.

Government departments, banks and superannuation funds will be able to keep in contact with Australians no matter where they lived, what internet provider they used or where they worked (provided of course they have jobs).

Mr Turnbull believes the decreasing cost of broadband internet services would make it logical for the government to use the internet to keep in contact with Australians.

He did not say if he will provide every Australian with the means to access the Internet, or if he intends bringing in an Internet service that actually bloody works.

He also appears to be oblivious to the fact that while most people can open an envelope, there are still many who can not use a computer - nor do they want to.

Has he considered the tens of thousands of Australian senior citizens in nursing homes for example?

There is also the matter of perception. For many people an official looking envelope will have a far greater impact than an email.

Like most of his ideas, it seems all very sensible - until you get a couple of ten year olds to work out the logistics.