Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Education: Don't call your teacher a frustrated old spinster in your blog!

Schools in Singapore schools have started punishing students who insult teachers in their blogs.

Last month five junior college students who posted derogatory remarks about their teachers and vice-principal on their blogs, were suspended for three days. One secondary school student who called a teacher a "prude" and a "frustrated old spinster" on her blog was ordered to remove the remarks.

O.K. I know I shouldn't laugh but the old schoolboy in me is beginning to re-emerge. Right, I will get back to being serious.

According to local media, lawyers say students could be sued for defamation, even if a teacher was not named. "As long as someone is able to identify the teacher, and it is an untrue statement that affects his reputation or livelihood, then the student is liable," lawyer Doris Chia of Harry Elias and Partners was quoted as saying in the Straits Times.

But what if the teacher really is a prude and a frustrated old spinster?

Kids today hey. Why can't they behave like we did in school - and write it on walls instead!