Our poor Prime Minister and Foreign Minister are pulling their hair out trying to get trapped Australians out of New Orleans.
Both repeatedly state that US authorities refuse to let consular staff into the area to provide assistance to residents of the country that Bush constantly calls good friends and allies - which of course he does every time he wants more of our troops to help fight yet another of the wars they start but can't win.
Although 31 Australians have escaped yet another hell hole created by the U.S. government, through the sheer incompetency the world has now come to expect from the US that the Hicksville Thug has created, another 40 are still trapped.
Fortunately, many Australians were rescued by two Australian television crews, who US authorities allowed in to the area.
Considering the negative coverage this almighty cock up is receiving, they would have been better off allowing Australian officials into the region - they are a bit more diplomatic than Australian media.
Wherever you may be - be safe!
Photo: Blue Mountains