Friday, September 09, 2005

Good evening from Sydney

Almost 8:30 Friday night and not a single post today!

There were a few other issues that needed attention today, so I am afraid it has been a blog-free day! Hopefully things will be back to normal Saturday morning, Sydney time.

I have also been looking at redesigning the blog. It would be easier to hand everything over to a professional, but gee it's hard to let go at times. I know that goes against the advice I would give a client, but in the seven years I have been in operation I have had this feeling that if I don't do it myself, then it isn't mine.

It has been easier since I met Mel. She knows me inside out and back to front and it is great to be able talk things through with her, knowing that she understands where I am coming from.

I am thinking of adding a chat box and also putting all the "Political" and "Business Tips" links into a drop-down box. I can do the box, but I am buggered if I am can change the ruddy width. Something so simple but so difficult to achieve!

Wherever you may be - be safe!