Monday, September 12, 2005

Goodnight from Sydney!

Time for me to say goodnight!

It will be interesting to see if tomorrow - or at any time in the immediate future, the Australian government explains why they consider an American national to be a threat to our national security.

I don't particularly have too much time for American peace activist Scott Parkin, but normally if someone here is locked up in solitary confinement before being deported, there is an explanation.

This time however, the Government has refused to explain why it considers him to be a security threat. As far as I know, it is not illegal to be annoying little prick - in fact in many instances here it would entitle you to an Order of Australia Medal or a seat in a boardroom.

If we are going to be that obsessive about national security, it wont be long before we see 10 coach loads of Japanese tourists arrested for taking photos of Sydney Opera House.

Wherever you may be - be safe. And if you happen to be in Australia and don't sprout populist rhetoric - be quiet.