Some of you will probably realise there have been a few technical problems today, hence the lack of posts. Hopefully I will have better luck tomorrow!
Normally I include a photo for the last post of the day but as there were only a few posts after this mornings photograph, I have decided not to clutter up the top of the page.
In that earlier post I mentioned that I hate this September. Since then I have discovered another reason not to like this month.
My computers do not like September either!
I bought my first PC in September 1996 and it died in September 1999. I still miss the ole girl too. Nothing fancy but a great little workhorse that somehow managed to do things it had no business doing.
I immediately purchased another PC. That went to sleep one night and never woke up in the morning. That was Sept 2002.
The last few days I have noticed my current PC is showing definite signs of going to join the others.
The old rhyme says, "thirty days have September." Thank heavens there's not more!
Wherever you may be - be safe!