Monday, September 26, 2005

Goodnight from Sydney

Normally I like to add a photo to the last post of the night but although I can upload to Blogger, no photo appears! Technology and myself have not made good bedfellows the last few weeks.

Searching for a new computer took me on a trip down memory lane, passing all the numerical landmarks that used to make buying a PC so rewarding. I still have a 1995 business magazine advertising an NEC computer for $2,000 with the main selling point being an "amazing 4mb ram."

My first PC was a Packard Bell with 8mb RAM. That old girl did things she had no right to be able to do! Day after day, she would chug along with her sleeves rolled up trying her best to accomplish what I wanted - or rather - demanded. Usually she did it too.

I recall a client telling me that she had just bought a new PC with 64mb RAM and 400mhz processing. "Bloody show off" I thought to myself - what does anyone need all that for! Forecasting trends in technology has never been my forte.

While I was searching around I realised the numbers that used to mean so much, no longer mean so much to me. They are so huge that they no longer mean anything. This new PC has 1024 RAM and a 200 gigabyte hard drive. I was more excited when I bought my second PC with the 64 RAM, that I once thought was not needed.

With a bit of luck, tomorrow I may be able to add a photo:)

Wherever you may be - be safe!