Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Goodnight from Sydney

That's my lot for today but it is good to be back in action!

In my first post of the day I included a photo of a cockatoo. Although we have lots of cockatoos in my area, like many other birds around here, they are rarely able to settle in one place for too long.

It is not the traffic or humans that frighten them away - it a group of pesky and aggressive little buggers known as Indian Mynah birds.

Some days the skies above my street are like the Battle of Britain. Any bird, no matter how big, that wanders into what the mynah birds regard as their "turf," cause a squadron of miniature Spitfires to be scrambled. They come from everywhere and launch an organised and persistent attack that would be the envy of Homeland Security.

Magpies, cockatoos, ravens and currawongs all flee in panic. The only ones that don't seem perturbed are Lorikeets and the beautiful and wise Kookaburras. Their attitude seems to be, "squawk and scream all you like mate, I'm going nowhere."

However, sometimes there is only so much the other birds can take. The other day I was sitting in my local shopping plaza watching as an Indian Mynah bird pinned a magpie to the ground with his foot. Next thing I know, the magpie equivalent of John Wayne swoops in from nowhere and sends him flying.

Until tomorrow - wherever you may be - be safe!

Photo: Central railway station Sydney. This photo was taken before I had two cataract operations and I over sharpened it:)