Being a clever little bugger, I have used this to complete my business tax forms for the last three years. Being an even cleverer little bugger, I made sure I kept a copy on CD. Being a not so clever little bugger, said CD was left in my old PC when I did what everyone else does around here, and left it on the side of the footpath knowing that someone will walk or drive past and make use of whatever they could salvage. Including my CD with my tax details!
Not to worry though, perhaps I can come up with a nice little tax deductible expense - that's what a woman in the Netherlands did.
The enterprising lady was a student of a witchcraft school and has just won her battle to make the cost of her brooms and spell making lessons tax-deductible.
I bet a Tax Agent would have a field day with Harry Potter!
Wherever you may be - be safe!
Photo: Chatswood, the next suburb to me. The building in the distance is where I used to work.