Monday, September 26, 2005

Outsourcing: Little impact on American workforce

A study carried out by the McKinsey Global Institute, reveals that despite the scare mongering claims and cliches so beloved by anti-outsourcing crusaders, US workers are not adversely affected by outsourcing.

In fact (I always prefer facts to uniformed opinion,) foreign companies have been moving to the US and encouraging job growth.

Diana Farrell, director of the McKinsey Global Institute, said: "the infrastructure, the market size, the risk profile, access to talent - these are very rational reasons why we have such a high incidence of companies from all over the world placing their R&D facilities in the United States."

Conference Board also claim that although the number of service sector jobs migrating from America is expected to rise to 4.1 million within three years, it is still too small to make an impact on the American job market.