Monday, October 17, 2005

Education: Islamic charity establishes technical training for orphans and "dropouts"

Lebanon: The Daily Star (Lebanon) reports that the Islamic charity organization Dar al-Aytam al-Islamiyya, has created Al-Nibras Compound in the eastern Bekaa Valley to introduce technical training to orphans and "high school dropouts," (I hate that term and thankfully it's not one you hear too often in Australia). The organisation intends to establish similar compounds in Akkar and other districts throughout the country.

A spokeswoman for the charity said: "The main and immediate objective of establishing the technical training units is to help create jobs for the local community and contribute to its growth and development". The organization is also trying to set an example of how to care for orphans in a non-traditional way using new approaches and methods.

One problem facing the organization is that parents of this farming community can not understand why their children would need training in their traditional field, so managerial staff members went from house to house to promote their program and encourage parents to send their children to the training schools.