Thursday, October 06, 2005

Education: "Teenagers Always Win!" ends in Peru

An alliance between UNICEF and FIFA (soccer's governing body) have held a "Teenagers Always Win!" campaign, aimed at giving teenagers a chance to talk to authorities about what affects them, their concerns, what they want for the future. UNICEF's Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, Nils Kastberg said that it also gave them a means to promote many of their rights.

UNICEF reports that prominent Peruvian sports journalist, Jorge Salazar, said: "the FIFA-UNICEF campaign promoted during this championship made it possible for authorities, journalists and public opinion to understand that by working to solve adolescents' problems, we can effectively modify the results, not only in sports, but also in their whole lives".

A 15 year old girl made a comment that sadly, even in this day and age, is all too familiar in many so called civilized countries.

"We've never had a chance to talk openly with our authorities and to bring up the problems that concern us. This has been an experience we will never forget. Hopefully, they will honour their commitments."

Even more sad is the fact that I find myself wanting to say, "Don't bet on it".