Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Entrepreneurship: Brits look favourably on small business but not big business

A poll by Britain's Daily Telegraph reveals that nearly two-thirds of Britons view business people as a force for good in society, with over half saying they would like their children to become an entrepreneur and start up a business.

However, if you are the head of a large corporation (you know, the sort who work their butts off to get where they are), then only 28% will think favourably of you.

Chancellor Gordon Brown, said that "to see levels of enterprise rise to those seen in the United States and to ensure enterprise in the boardrooms of the future we must start with enterprise in the classrooms of today."

Perhaps they could follow my example. When I went to school in Britain I made a nice little earning by selling "excuse" notes to the other kids. The price would vary according to what they wanted to miss. Top of the price range was a whole day off school.

The whole thing fell apart when my storage facility, (under my bed) was discovered by my mother. Sadly I wasn't quick enough to offer her a share of the profits. I was too busy running out the door.