Have you ever noticed that once you start playing around with a blog, it is hard to stop? I think I must have tried umpteen different "looks" and it still ends up looking pretty much like it did before. Either I am getting old or lazy but these things seem so much more difficult than when I first started tinkering around with computers and web sites.
There is another thing I seem to have difficulty getting right - taking photo's of the moon. Tonight, my part of Sydney was blessed with the most glorious full moon I have ever seen. Not only was it huge, it was orange and extremely bright. It looked like an orange beach ball hanging over the horizon.
Out came my camera.
I took photo's with flash, took photos without. I used auto shoot and also manual settings. I used all combinations of settings. I also used "normal" and "infinite" settings. All I ended up with was a yellow blob floating on a sea of jet black.
Fortunately I had anticipated that might happen, (but I always live in hope) and spent more time looking at natures wonder through my own eyes, rather than through a view finder or LCD display.
Wherever you may be - be safe!