Thursday, October 20, 2005

Goodnight from Sydney

Most things I can take in my stride. If I see a negative, I will find some way to put some positive spin on it, re-adjust my view to look at a situation with a new perspective, or give myself a reasonable explanation for the reason behind whatever it is I initially perceived as a negative.

Except for today.

For years I have been visiting a client in a small town in New South Wales. At one stage I used to visit every fortnight. Over the last few years I found it too much of a hassle to come back the same day, so I would stay overnight in a hotel.

That regular trip was not just not business, it was my little escape, my sanctuary. Time to be by myself for a while.

When my fiancee Mel, came to visit me last December, I wanted to share that part of myself with her. We have known each other three years this November, so there was 46 years or so of my life that I was unable to share with her. Her trip was the chance for us both to share something that was an important part of my life. A bit of me, as it were.

We had the most wonderful six nights in that hotel, receiving the sort of care, service and thoughtfulness that touched us both deeply. We had six days alone together, six glorious days. There were other factors involved too, factors I wont go into publicly but which made the kindness of others so much more important and appreciated.

Another thing, a very important thing too:) It was in that hotel that I asked Mel to marry me.

I haven't been back since that time, but today I decided it was time for me to take another trip. I would book the same hotel of course, and the same room Mel and myself shared during that oh so wonderful time.

It's gone.

I tried to tell myself, Mike, it's only a hotel. Yet I couldn't stop feeling that something had been stolen from me. I felt an emptiness and sadness that rode rough shod over any logical reasoning.

Normally I am a realist. Things change, that's life. But however unrealistic it may be, I wanted that part of me and Mel to remain. But I guess the important thing is that though the hotel may have gone, the memory will remain.

So will me and my gal:)

Till tomorrow, wherever you may be - be safe!

The photo tonight was taken through a train window during one of my trips. Like a few others, it was taken before I had two cataracts removed and is a little over-sharpened!