Saturday, October 22, 2005

Human Resources: Gay pilot clams discrimination by Atlantic Southeast Airlines (Southern Voice) has an excellent report on a discrimination case being heard by The Atlanta Human Relations Commission.

The case involves an allegation by a gay pilot that Atlantic Southeast Airlines fostered an anti-gay work environment in violation of city law.

The hearing got off to a stormy start when Patricia Griffin, an attorney for the airline told the Commission: "You have no business hearing this case. The airport is located outside your jurisdiction".

That's telling them!

The pilot told the Commission that in 1999, the head of training made a remark about a transsexual flight attendant: "We can't get rid of all the gays, but we can try".

Excuse me while I check the calendar to see what decade we are in. Two discrimination stories in one day makes me wonder.

Full article: Airline disputes claim of anti-gay workplace. Atlanta bias panel weighs complaint from gay pilot written by Andrew Keegan