Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Katrina: Bangladesh youth offers winter jackets

Phillip Kurata, Washington File Staff Writer at USINFO.STATE.GOV has a heart-warming article (heaven knows we need such articles), on a young man from Bangladesh who is touring the United States as a participant in the State Department's leadership program. He has brought a box of winter jackets made by his father's garment factory to help victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Thinking ahead, Khondker Zunaed Rabbani said: "It's not winter yet, but I’m sure the Katrina victims will be needing them in winter".

He explained that : "When I was coming to the U.S.A., my dad and I felt like we should do something about the Katrina victims. We have hurricanes back home. We know how it feels. This is a small gesture of solidarity and a small gesture that says, 'we are with you guys'".