Friday, October 14, 2005

Media: First Internet statement of self proclaimed al-Qaeda media wing

The Search For International Terrorrist Entities reports that the Sada Tweig Brigades, based in al-Zulfy, Saudi Arabia, has released its first internet statement, declaring itself a media wing of al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia.

In the statement, the group additionally promises to aid the mujahideen, Mullah Omar, Usama bin Laden, and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. It goes on to announce loyalty to the 36 individuals on the Saudi Most Wanted list, as well as the "three heroes of al-Zulfi who are related to it."

Following this initial introduction, the group lays out its objectives, predominantly centering on the task of countering Western media. "In the coming days," it states, "we will give you complete coverage of what is going on in the area."

The statement also provides a list of topics to be discussed in future releases. This list includes an audio message from one of the Saudi 36 most wanted, and a promise of a Sada Tweig magazine, which will cover an extensive variety of topics.