Friday, October 07, 2005

Training - Training small groups - Difficulties with asking questions

Asking questions during training can sometimes be difficult for new trainers. It can take quite a bit of time to develop effective questioning techniques.

An effective trainer will think about the types of questions to be asked during preparations but will also consider the many questions that may occur spontaneously.

It is important that you develop sound questioning techniques for application in the training situations. Try to use a variety of questions which are appropriate for the situation and the response you want.

Some common difficulties that trainers have with asking questions are:

* Not leaving enough time for learners to answer so that the trainer answers it.

* Asking a number of questions at the same time.

* Asking leading questions.

* Giving the answer within the question.

Some things to remember when you are thinking about the questions that you want to ask in your training sessions are:

* Questions should be clear and not too wordy.

* Questions should be unambiguous.

* Questions should be short and simple.

Right - any questions!

Tomorrow: Providing opportunities for practice

Mike Hitchen
Mike Hitchen Consulting