Continuing the series, "Training Small Groups" presented by Mike Hitchen Consulting
Evaluation is the process of determining the appropriateness and effectiveness of:
* the training session
* the content of the session
* the learning of the participants
* the trainers skills
In order to evaluate your training you will need to gather feedback. It is useful to gather feedback at the end of each session so that you can think about whether you need to make any changes to your next session. Sometimes you will need to pass on feedback in order to help management make decisions about whether to continue training as it is, change it, increase it, or stop doing it altogether.
Feedback can be gathered in a number of ways. The following lists the most commonly used methods, their advantages and disadvantages:
Evaluation sheets
Advantages: Cheap and easy to use. Identifies areas for improvement.
Disadvantages: Cannot identify skills. Gives limited information
Interviews with participants or supervisors
Advantages: Provides useful information. Problems can explored in depth.
Disadvantages: Time consuming. Effectiveness depends on the skills of the interviewer
Workplace observations
Advantages: Does not rely on reports of others. Can use checklists for reporting.
Disadvantages: Observers may influence performance. Time consuming
Evaluation workshops:
Advantages: Provides useful, in-depth information. Provides opportunity for open discussion
Disadvantages: Time consuming. Results difficult to report. Need an experienced and skilled facilitator
Performance appraisals
Advantages: Can identify areas for improvement
Disadvantages: Participant information is usually confidential
Tomorrow: Self Evaluation
Mike Hitchen
Mike Hitchen Consulting