Saturday, October 22, 2005

Training - Training small groups - Guidance for further training

This concludes the series, "Training Small Groups" presented by Mike Hitchen Consulting .

Shortly I will be presenting a NEW! series - Plan and Promote A Training Program.

The purpose of evaluating your training session as well as your own skills is to ensure that the training is and remains appropriate and effective. The results and feedback that you obtain should be used to guide further training that you undertake.

Being able to implement effective training means being able to change and develop training skills, methods and strategies in order to meet the needs of the workplace and the participants involved.

Mike Hitchen
Mike Hitchen Consulting

Links to the complete series

Recording training details
Self Evaluation
Evaluating the training session
Readiness for assessment
Encouraging learners to assess their own performance
Encouraging participants and providing feedback (Part Two)
Encouraging participants and providing feedback (Part One)
Providing opportunities for practice - Activities
Providing opportunities for practice
Difficulties with asking questions
Effective questioning
Effective Communication
Presenting Information
Demonstrating Skills
Session Plans
Planning the conclusion to your training session
Planning the body of your training session
The introduction to the training session
Writing Training Outcomes
Training Outcomes
Training Need Analysis
Identifying Training Needs
The Training Environment
The Role Of The Trainer
What makes an effective trainer