Doctor Life,
Until recently your blog contained a statement that you were "Chairperson of the North American League of Prayer." I posted a question on your blog enquiring why there is no record of such an organisation. Not only did my question not get past moderation, you opted to respond by posting a comment on my blog to an unrelated post. That saga can be seen here.
I would now like to ask you another question.
Are you the father of Matt Blunt, who I believe is now Governor of Missouri?
The reason I ask is that your blog contains a photograph entitled "My Son Speaking At a Pro-Life Rally in 2003"
"Bott Radio Network" has the same photograph. The caption is "Keynote Speaker Secretary of State Matt Blunt." speaking at the Greene County Chapter Missouri Right To Life, Pro-Life Rally, Thursday, January 22nd, 2004.
This is your sons photo
This is Matt Blunt's photo
We are left with two possible scenarios.
(1) You are indeed the father of Matt Blunt, and therefore you are Roy Blunt. I base that theory on this article in the Washington Post. Quote: "In Missouri, GOP Secretary of State Matt Blunt, the son of House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (R), won the governor's job being vacated by Democratic Gov. Bob Holden..."
(2) You are committing a deliberate act of misrepresentation
In a response to one of my posts, you made the following comment.
"I don't think an Australian should be commenting on "the real world," seeing as your country has nothing to do with anything"
It took an Australian to recognise an American politician. Does that address your concerns?
Perhaps you would care to clarify this issue?
If not, as my headlines are carried by a media organisation that has more than half a million monthly users, perhaps someone connected with Matt Blunt, may become aware of this post and be able to clarify the matter for us.