Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Goodnight from Sydney

That's it for today. The helicopters referred to earlier are still buzzing around and often there are several in the air at the same time.

For some reason heir sound seems to change the energy of my environment, somehow adding an "edge" to the atmosphere. The good thing is that no-one has been hurt apart from people like myself who are being bored to death by the inevitable blame game.

Every country plays that game but somehow Sydney always manages to take it to a new level of ignorance and misinformation.

Of course it is the governments fault and "them bloody politicians sitting in their plush offices" who are to blame. Of course most politicians don't sit too often in their plush offices as they are normally busy doing things the whiners don't - namely working their butts off. But hey, why spoil the fun of the uninformed and ignorant by confusing them alien concepts such as facts and logic.

Wherever you may be - be safe!

Photo: Helicopter, looks better if you click on it:)