Despite the uncomfortable conditions, this time of year does have advantages. As you can see from the photograph, the beautiful Jacarandas are in full bloom. The area around me is alive with the vibrant colours of this delightful tree, the petals of which turn the footpaths into a carpet of lilac-blue.
It's the sort of sight that makes you forget that Australians are - how can I put this delicately - average when it comes to frequency of bonking.
Before I get inundated with irate e-mails from my fellow countrymen and women, it is not me who makes that claim - it is the result of a global survey. According to a survey of nearly half a million people carried out by condom manufacturer Durex, Australians rank 16th out of 41 countries in the global frequent bonking league. We score 108 liaisons per person per year, compared with top of the table, (now there's a nice thought), Greece with 138. Use of vibrators (46%) ranks only behind Taiwan (47%).
However, we can claim one big success. According to the survey, Australians have sex in parks more than the citizens any other country.
On a completely different track, I should have pointed out that "Country Focus" will be a weekly feature, appearing each Monday, (Sydney time). The first article featured Albania, the next will focus on Botswana. Hands up those of you who can see a pattern developing!
Wherever you may be - be safe