For those of you who are interested in what I call, "Bonking Blogs", David Higgins has an interesting multi-page article in the Sydney Morning Herald, entitled "All you need is a good blog". The article includes extracts from blogs as well as interviews with some of the authors.
Yesterday I introduced you to Loverley, today it's "Meet Charlie". Charlie is a currawong and he and I have become good friends. When I say, "friends" I mean we recognise and acknowledge each other, which is more than can be said about the human inhabitants of my block of apartments. Charlie has one annoying habit that leads me to believe he would really like to be a little old lady in a supermarket.
He wont let me get past him when we share the same footpath.
If I am walking behind him - usually in a hurry to get somewhere - he ambles along in front of me. If I try to move round him, he moves in the same direction. Trying to "shoo" him out of the way doesn't help either. He seems to know that no matter how much I may threaten or try to scare him, I only stuff humans who cross me, not birds.
He keeps this up until we reach a corner and he turns to the right to find a creepy crawly snack in our woodchipped garden. Judging by this photograph, he may want to consider a lower calorie diet.
Till tomorrow...
... Wherever you may be - be safe!