Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Goodnight from Sydney

My mother finally read my blog today.

I didn't call her to the PC because whenever I have done that previously, something goes wrong. It can be working away all day without a hitch but whenever she approaches the PC, something always happens. Things wont open, error messages flash up on the monitor, or on one memorable occasion, the PC rebooted itself for no apparent reason. This has caused her to believe she is a jinx, so now she wont go anywhere near it without incense sticks and a clove of garlic. It's a trick she picked up from doctors when they examine her.

I printed out a few articles and showed them to her. I watched and listened with interest. There was a lot of, "Hmmphs'" a few "Well I nevers;" and of course the obligatory, "Disgraceful".

She put down the articles, took off her glasses and gave me one of those looks that had a voice inside me shouting, "Danger, danger Will Robinson - she's about to ask a question".

Sure enough, she did.

"Where are all these bleeding countries? never heard of most of them".

"What countries might they be may I ask Mater? Canada perhaps? France maybe?"

"Don't you be a smart-arsed little git me lad, there are plenty of places I can go".

Actually I can only think of one place that may accept her and was about to suggest it when I remembered my Ermenegildo Zegna, shirt needed ironing and stopped myself.

"All these places in Europe ending in 'iztans' them sort of places. Never had them in my day"

I told her that the times they were a changing, I told her it was a new world order, I told her she had failed to keep pace of social and political developments. She told me to get stuffed.

"And all them other places all changing their names. In my day we had Bombay, Delhi, Burma. We could sing songs about them. Can't sing songs about these new names".

"You can still sing Chattanooga Choo Choo" I suggested but as always she found a difficulty,

"Not with my teeth I can't".

Then she asked me another question.

"This blog thing. Do you reckon I could write one?"

That's all I need, another person to beat me in Battle of The Blogs!

Wherever you may be - be safe!