"Hello Mr Hitchen"
"Hello Daphne, how are you?"
"I'm ok. Whatya bin doing?"
"I've been blogging".
"Yeah I saw that. Why?"
"Well you see Daphne, it's part of what I do for a living".
"Well, it seemed like a good idea".
At this stage, I was going to tell her that myself and Mel, had a brainstorming session complete with the obligatory white butchers paper, coloured pens, ice breaking games and pictures around the wall. I thought having been in kindergarten she could relate to that environment but I decided against it.
Instead, I thought I would beat the little madam at her own game and replied, "because - that's why".
"I been reading your blog as you write it."
"Have you? That's nice".
"Because I like you being interested. I like anyone being interested".
"It's a nice feeling".
"It's sad at times".
"Yes, it can be Daphne"
"All them little children dying of hunger in Africa and everywhere."
"Yes, it is very sad Daphne. There are a lot of hungry children in the world"
My inner child held my hand, looked up at me and said,
I like my inner child. Unlike so many adults, she always asks the right questions.
Wherever you may be - be safe!