Whenever I express a sentiment like that, I am tempted to slip into Simon & Garfunkel mode and sing, "Gee but it's great to be back home". Isn't it funny how the lines of some songs stick in your mind? You may not particularly like the song, or even remember the rest of the lyrics, but somehow they either (a) appeal for some unknown reason (b) come to mind in certain situations.
"Money for nothing and your chicks for free." by Dire Straits is a line I have been dying to use but haven't been able to. Whenever I hear it in my brain, I suddenly feel oh so hip!
Lou Reed is a great source of "one liners" but I will restrict myself to two.
* Sugar Plum Fairy came and hit the streets, Lookin' for soul food and a place to eat (Walk On The Wildside)
* There's a girl from Soho with a tee-shirt saying "I Blow" She's with the "jive five 2 plus 3. (Halloween Parade). I love that line but haven't the foggiest idea what it means, and no one so far has been able to tell me!
Tom Waits! "As he dreams of a waitress with Maxwell House eyes and marmalade thighs with scrambled yellow hair" from "Ghost of Saturday Night". And what an introduction to "Tom Traubert's Blues" - "Wasted and wounded, it ain't what the moon did, I've got what I paid for now".
Leonard Cohen provided me with a line I use when the occasion arises - "Johnny Walker wisdom running high" from "Closing Time". Come across a few people online whose opinions are based on Johnny Walker Wisdom!
There are so many more such as the Rolling Stones, "Puerto Rican girls just dying to meet you" but one of my all time favourites is "Broke, busted, disgusted, agents can't be trusted,"from the Mamas and the Papas, "Creeque Alley".
I love that song because you get the feeling that the words are never going to quite fit in before the music runs out - but somehow they end up slotting into place like Tetris blocks.
Till tomorrow...
...Wherever you may be - be safe!