Friday, November 11, 2005


Let me introduce you to "Loverley."

There she is, sitting on what I refer to as my "Harmony Table". Normally the table is full of aromatherapy paraphernalia but I cleared a space so that Loverley, could have pride of place.

Loverley, is by all outward appearances, a kangaroo. To me however, she is a lot more than a cute little cuddly friend - because she was sent by my cute little cuddly fiancee.

Mel ordered this beautiful gift some weeks ago so that it would arrive before I started a series of medical treatments today. She waited and waited for me to tell her my present had arrived, but each time I had to shake my head. As the time came closer, Mel became more disappointed. E-mails to the company concerned seemed to confirm her fear - it wouldn't arrive on time.

This morning as I was about to leave, the doorbell rang. Australia Post Express Delivery had come to her rescue!

Off I went knowing that a little part of Mel, the part that gives life not only to her but also to myself, was sitting at home waiting for me.

Oh yes, her name is not spelled incorrectly, it's the spelling I use when I know she herself need that little bit of cheering up.

A former Australian Prime Minister, once said, "Life wasn't meant to be easy." He is damn right there - but it's the things that say, "I care" that makes me say, "It sure isn't easy, but it is sure worth fighting for."

My apology for the lack of posts today - back to normal tomorrow!

Wherever you may be - be safe!