Sunday, November 06, 2005

Marketing: Canada's telemarketing legislation ineffective say insiders

For those of you in Canada who are fed up with telemarketers and thought new legislation that enables you to be put on a "do-not-call" list, was the answer to your prayers - you may have to think again.

An article on describes the difference between theory and reality. It includes interviews with those experienced with the industry that highlight basic faults with the system. One telemarketer gives an insight into the way some companies deal with such requests: "when consumers asked to be put on the list, we just say 'Thank you very much for your time,' or 'I'll look after that for you,' and then we just end the call like we'd end any other call".

Apparently the Canadian legislation is much weaker than the U.S version and although authorities have the power to disconnect a telemarketing company that breaks the rules, it has never done so.

Full article: "Do-not-call" lists ineffective, say telemarketers